Monthly Archives: July 2015

Meet Suzy, the new Basset Hound

I can’t believe I didn’t post that we have a new Basset Hound added to the family.

We got Suzy Beatrice on May 31. Linda and I had been discussing a second dog for a while, but when you’ve only had one dog for a lifetime, it’s a bit weird to consider a second dog. However, we have several friends that have pointed out how awesome it was for the first dog to have a second dog as companion.

We found Suzy in Polo, Missouri – a small rural town northeast of Kansas City. We drove up and picked her from a litter of 6 other adorable Bassets. We were hoping for a tri-colored female – and she was the only one!


She has certainly become part of the family. Sally wasn’t quite sure what to think of her for a while, but they have become solid partners – although Suzy wants to play a lot more than Sally.

Behold the pictures of the cuteness of a Basset Hound puppy:

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Often times, you can find Sally and Suzy napping together. Suzy doesn’t want to be far away from Sally.
